







This post is my tribute to The O.C., a show that kept me
entertained and amused 'til the very end.



I've been very fortunate in the past couple of months to have been able to work with some incredible people and projects. So, allow me to show my appreciation by pimping out some of the publications involved.

First up, Mega Magazine. Be sure to buy the February 07 issue with the always-gorgeous Georgina Wilson on the cover. One of the cover features was written by yours truly, and they even gave a bit of space to me in their contributor's page. Cool, indeed. Thank you Annie and Carla!

Next, Sunday Inquirer. A travel feature on Coron, Palawan is currently in newsstands, so make sure to get a copy. Article by Genea Padilla; Photos by HV. Make sure to check out the Friday issues also as they feature the works of some undeniable industry luminaries who I truly admire and am grateful for. Thank you. We will always have Isla Banana.

Last but definitely not the least, SME Insight. The third issue with HIT Productions' Vic Icasas on the cover is now out (finally!). Make sure to get your copy. The fourth issue will be out shortly, so save up for that also. Thanks to my wonderful editorial colleagues who share in the joy and pain in making this killer business mag. You're all cool.

*Click on the image for a wallpaper-sized jpeg.